Health Check-Ups

Stay on top of your health, with convenient and affordable access to comprehensive check-ups.

Understand the inner workings of your body.

Through a detailed consultation and testing process, we can provide you with a clearer picture of your current state of wellness.

Step 1 - Intake

During a focused consultation, we’ll discuss your medical history alongside how your health is now, and any concerns you currently have.

Step 2 - Measuring

We’ll take important measurements including your height, weight, BMI, heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse-oxygen.

Step 3 - Testing

Your blood will be tested for 23 different markers, your urine for 11 markers, and an ECG carried out to check your heart.

Step 4 - Results

Once your results come back from the lab, you’ll come back to the practice for a follow-up consultation to discuss the results in detail.

Get to know your body

Whether you're striving to take control of your health, prevent potential issues, or address specific concerns, our comprehensive health check-ups offer unmatched insights.

Get insights on:

    • Height

    • Weight

    • Body Mass Index (BMI)

    • Waist Circumference

    • Hip Circumference

    • Waist/Hip Ratio

    • Heart rate

    • Systolic Blood Pressure

    • Diastolic Blood Pressure

    • Oxygen Saturation

    • ECG Reading

    • Hemoglobin

    • Erythrocytes

    • Leukocytes

    • Thrombocytes

    • Hematocrit

    • MCV

    • MCH

    • MCHC

    • RDW-CV

    • Total Cholesterol

    • HDL

    • LDL

    • HDL/LDL ratio

    • Triglycerides

    • Glucose

    • Thyroid TSH

    • C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

    • ALAT

    • Gamma GT

    • Creatinine

    • Vitamin D3

    • Vitamin B12

    • Sodium

    • Get access to your QRP (Qi Rising® Profile) - a unique way of understanding your body constitution

    • Pulse reading

    • Tongue analysis

Full Check-Up


Offering an in-depth wellness check, providing you with personalised insights and guidance. We help you understand your unique health journey and make informed choices.

Available Add-ons (pricing varies):

Additional blood tests

Full TCM consultation

Nutritional coaching


What’s included in the check-up?

We’ll discuss your medical history as well as any current concerns you have. We’ll also perform blood tests for 23 different markers, and urine tests for 11 different markers. We’ll check a wide range of measurements including: ECG reading, weight, height, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation level. From a TCM-perspective you’ll also receive your QRP (Qi Rising® Profile), as well as insights into what your tongue and pulse say about your current state of health.

How often should I get a check-up?

Just as cars get checked through the APK once a year, we recommend annual check-ups. With yearly check-ups, you’ll be able to monitor how your lifestyle affects your body, and get insights into your internal health.

Does a check-up replace medical care?

No. It’s important to note that we operate a TCM practice, and we do not replace conventional medical care. If you have any concerns about your health, we recommend you see your GP. Health check-ups are for informational purposes only, and do not provide diagnostic information or monitoring/treatment of health conditions.

Will my insurance reimburse the check-up?

No. We don’t work with Dutch health insurers.

It’s possible your employer may (partly) reimburse the cost of your check-up, but ultimately you are responsible for payment. At €400, we hope our check-ups can empower as many people as possible at an affordable price.

I can’t afford the cost, do you offer discounts?

If you can’t afford a check-up, please get in contact with us. We regularly offer discounts to those who need them, and will work to find a solution that fits your budget.