ME/CFS & Long-Covid Research Study

Access treatments and contribute to research

ME/CFS and Long-Covid currently have very few treatment options, and this is something we want to help change.

With personal experience of ME/CFS and Long-Covid, we deeply understand how greatly this illness impacts every part of your life in ways you could never have imagined.

Few places in the Netherlands are offering treatment options for those with ME/CFS. Those offering treatment often see ME/CFS as a psychological condition, have long waiting lists, and charge exorbitant amounts to access care. We’re challenging the status quo, and providing a real alternative for those living with ME/CFS and Long-Covid.

A man living with fatigue, standing outside during sunset, with his hands covering his face.

Our Approach

Our research programme is multi-layered and will include:

  1. Extensive Intake: We’ll start with a thorough consultation in our practice. We’ll discuss your medical history, symptoms, the results of any testing you’ve already undergone, assess your eligibility, and explain the treatment plan.

  2. Assessment & Testing: We’ll assess your current situation through a variety of methods; we’ll check biomarkers (incl. blood testing), carry out TCM-oriented diagnostics, and complete targeted questionnaires.

  3. Treatment: Through a careful combination of targeted acupuncture, auriculotherapy, and nutritional coaching, we’ll work with you over a period of six months.

  4. Continuous Support: You’ll be supported throughout your journey, with regular check-ins and treatment sessions.

  5. Re-assessment: When you reach the end of the treatment programme, we’ll re-do the assessments we completed at the beginning. We’ll then be able to assess how successful the treatment programme has been for you.

Sign up to our ME/CFS research programme today!

Get access to:

  • A 45-minute initial consultation

  • A 30-minute nutrition coaching session and access to ongoing coaching support

  • 2x/month 30-minute treatments

  • Blood, HRV (ECG), and other vital sign testing

Intended for people who:

  • Have been diagnosed with ME/CFS or Long-Covid after excluding other conditions

  • Are able to attend 30-minute treatments 2x/month for 6 months

  • Are willing to keep a symptom diary and track their food intake


€190/month for 6 months

Pricing is all-inclusive and includes all testing, monitoring, and treatments


What kind of research study will I be taking part in?

This is a practice-based prospective observational study focused on exploring how TCM interventions (acupuncture) and ketogenic nutritional coaching can impact the symptoms and day-to-day experience of individuals with ME/CFS and Long-COVID.

As a participant, you’ll receive acupuncture twice a month and ongoing nutritional coaching over six months. We’ll monitor your progress by collecting data such as biomarkers (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc.) and self-reported symptoms through questionnaires.

Please note that while this is a research study, it is not a clinical trial, and there is no control group. You’ll receive personalised care as part of your participation, and the data gathered will help contribute to understanding how these integrative treatments may support other people with conditions like yours.

Who can participate in the study?

We’re looking for adults who have been diagnosed with ME/CFS and/or Long-COVID. Participants should be willing to commit to a 6-month treatment period, including 30-minute acupuncture sessions twice a month and following ketogenic nutritional coaching. Acupuncture sessions will be in-person, and ketogenic nutritional coaching will be provided either in-person or online.

Do I have to pay to take part in the study?

We’re a small holistic TCM practice and don’t have access to funding grants. Participants will cover part of the cost of their treatments as part of their involvement in the study. This allows us to provide a personalised and thorough care experience while conducting the research.

What will participation involve?

You’ll start with a 45-minute intake consultation, during which we’ll collect baseline data. After your appointment, you’ll receive blood sample tubes in the mail. You’ll take the blood testing tubes to a blood collection point and have blood drawn, then mail them to our partner laboratory. Over six months, you’ll receive acupuncture twice a month and nutritional coaching to support a ketogenic diet. You’ll be supported to keep track of the foods you eat, and keep a symptom diary using a standardised questionnaire. At the end of the study, we’ll repeat measurements to assess any changes in your condition.

What information will you collect about me?

We’ll collect information such as heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other biomarkers through blood tests. You’ll also complete symptom questionnaires to track changes in your energy, fatigue, other symptoms, and overall health.

Will my data be kept confidential?

Yes, your privacy is a top priority. All personal and medical information will be stored securely and anonymised when used for research purposes.

What happens if I want to stop participating?

Participation is completely voluntary. You are free to withdraw at any time, and your decision will not affect any care or treatment you are receiving outside the study.

What benefits can I expect from participating?

Whilst we cannot guarantee specific outcomes, participants may experience improvements in symptoms and overall health. You’ll receive personalised acupuncture treatments and nutritional coaching, as well as access to your blood test results from the study.

Are there any risks involved?

Acupuncture and a ketogenic nutritional coaching are generally safe. However, some participants may experience mild discomfort or temporary side effects. We’ll monitor your progress closely and help you address any concerns.

What happens after the study ends?

At the end of the study, we’ll share the overall results with participants and publish our final results (using anonymised data). If you wish to continue treatments after the study has ended, we can discuss your options.

Will I have to exercise or take part in psychotherapy?

Simply? No. The treatment programme will not involve any exercise or psychotherapy. ME/CFS and Long-Covid are physiological conditions and not psychological in nature.

The existing research is clear that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Graded Exercise Therapy are harmful for people with these illnesses, and we do not support their use in ME/CFS or Long-Covid.

How do I sign up or learn more?

You can contact us at to ask any questions you might have.

To sign up, either click here or use the ‘Sign up’ button above.